I have been on an amazing personal and professional fitness journey.
Because, you see, I haven’t always been fit, healthy & confident.
I was over 19 stone, ate like a dustbin and drank far too much. I was depressed, stressed, had no energy, no confidence and I struggled to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. I hated myself.
If I wanted to raise a family and see my kids grow up, I needed to change, and so my journey began…..
It was a tough journey, it wasn’t easy. BUT I have come through the other side!! And I want to show you how to, too.
I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Recovery Coach & Weight Loss Specialist and in 2018 I founded Crystal Clear Fitness with my wife Michelle.
I’m living proof that your past and present is NOT your future.
✅ You can look and feel healthy eating the foods you love.
✅ You can feel confident.
✅ You can love your reflection, if you’re willing to take the first step.
Fortunately, you don’t have to take the first step alone.
I’ve been through it and I’ve come out the other side.
now... it's your turn